Saturday, April 20, 2013

Sled Hockey!

As a mom, I know I am not the first to say that it has been really hard to watch my kids grow up when all I wanted was for them to stay babies forever.  However, it is safe to say that one aspect of their aging process has not bothered me at all.  I love the boys passion for hockey.  This is due, in large part to the fact that that is how I fell in love with their dad.

As long as I have known Justin he has been on a hockey team.  It didn't matter if it was ice hockey, roller hockey, or even playing hockey on the tennis courts with his friends; He loved it.  For me, it was always nice to go watch, enjoy the friendly competition, and learn the rules of the game (although I never got much further than "the puck goes in the net".)  Even after we were married he continued to participate in a roller hockey league with the same guys he played with in high school.  I guess that is why I always imagined that once we started a family of our own the kids would definitely play hockey.  Unfortunately, that vision changed when Dom and Zac had more motor difficulties that we had imagined.  But, over the years they have gone from wheelchairs, to walkers, to speedwalking around the house!  They still have some difficulty walking (especially on uneven terrain) but it hasn't stopped them from participating in activities that they enjoyed.  They ice skate with SABAH and this past year they joined a sled hockey team!
This has been the boys first big experience working as part of a team and I have to say....It has been wonderful!  It always helps that the other people/parents on the team are down to earth and caring.  It is a travel league so most of the games are in Canada.  But since we live so close close to the border ourselves we count it as a small blessing.  We even lucked out a few weeks ago when after the boys' practice the Sabres showed up for their own practice!!!!
Even Jay is getting in on the excitement!

Well...technically it was the Jr. Sabres, but I won't tell Dom and Zac if you won't.  They were so excited to stay and watch them practice.  Of course they had to go up to the balcony to watch from above.  Dom in particular has turned into quite the hockey spectator.  He loves watching it on TV whereas Zac really seems to enjoy playing more.  Either way sled hockey has been a great opportunity for the boys to make some friends, get some exercise, and make some really great memories.  If you or someone you know would like to learn more check out the team webpage:  In the meantime, we we're off to the rink!

P.S.  Dom has been working on his slapshot!  :)

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