Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Pardon the interruption: Lots of love to spread!

I'm sure everyone here can relate to the idea that some weeks are a joy, and some are a joy once they are through!  The last few have been a whirlwind of "adult responsibilities " (read-nothing fun!)   I'm glad they are over, because even though daily appointments are good to make sure all is well in the world, they are a pain in the tush to remember and rush around for!  

So, what's up?  Sadly, Sled Hockey had an abrupt ending for Dom and Zac.  The season ended early and for the past few weeks we have been enjoying having our Saturdays back.  We are getting back into our summer groove and did the usual: 
Biker Boy

Speed Demon-Zac

Dom needs a tow truck!
Ride!  Ride!  Ride!  The boys were able to finally get their bikes out and surprisingly Zac has a constant need for speed.  We took them to our local elementary school to go riding.  (Our driveway has a bit of a slope toward the house so we wanted them to have flat land to practice on.) Zac maneuvered his way all around the parking lot!  His coordination is getting so much better!  Dom enjoyed being outside, but still wants to be pulled around everywhere.  I tried to get him to pedal, but he suckered Jay into pulling him around.  Jay is such a little love!  He would do anything for his big brothers.  

Next week we go back to the pediatrician; It will be our first time back since we went to the clinic in Baltimore.  I'm aiming to impress.  But, something tells me I'm not going to have to try hard at all.  For the first time in my life as a mom I am having to cook daily.  One meal lasts for one meal (with MAYBE enough leftovers for lunch the following day.)  Compared to the same meal lasting Justin and I at least three days since we were the only ones that really ate.  The boys are eating us out of house and home....and truthfully I love it!  It is such a welcome change.  People have been asking me lately whether or not I would do it again.  My response....In a heartbeat!  The feeding clinic has been so much more than we had ever asked for.  I would recommend anyone in a similar situation explore all of their options (Kennedy Krieger or otherwise.)  And to listen to their gut.  If I had listened to our past doctors we would still be g-tube dependent.  There's something to be said for persistence and trusting your instincts.    They haven't failed me yet!  

I hope everyone has a wonderful LONG Memorial Day weekend!  If you need me I'll be relaxing with my loves!

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