Sunday, June 30, 2013

Bordering Insanity

Summer Vacation is in full swing at our house and Dom, Zac, and Jay have made pretty good progress on their summer bucket list.  

Pick up Mom's classroom fish:  CHECK!
Jay serenading our fish...for about an hour!

Have a water balloon fight:  CHECK!
Dom is sly like a fox!  He doesn't look at you when he sneaks up and then...WHAM!  

Eat chocolate fondue for snack:  CHECK!

Tear the border off our bedroom:  CHECK!  (What isn't that on your kid's bucket list too?)

I almost died when I saw it.  The problem is that the border that I picked out is:
1.  Too expensive to keep replacing (this is the third repair to the wallpaper and at $60 each repair it is adding up fast!
2.  I don't think that the boys want the border up.  (see explanation below)

You see...Dom and Zac crave routine and predictability.  When we moved into our current house we literally moved the last box on our way to the hospital to have Jay.  When I came home it was with their new baby brother.  Our timing was absolutely horrible.   Dom and Zac didn't sleep at night.  Their room was different, in a different house, with different paint colors.  I was lucky that my MIL offered to paint their room for us.  We couldn't get the exact same border that they used to have, so I found a suitable replacement and up it went.  Fast forward two years and three repairs later and Dom keeps asking me to paint the walls red.  

It started in our dining room when I asked him what color to paint.  He quickly responded "RED!"  Ever since then he has been on my case to paint something red.  Truthfully, I like the color red....for accessories.  I can't imagine a fire engine red boys room.  But I have to do something...and I'm not sure what.  I would like to keep the same quilts that my mom made them.  But beyond that....I am open for suggestions.  What would you do?
Cowboy Quilt Color Scheme

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Play Ball!

School is wrapping up as I write this and I have to say that I am looking forward to a summer full of "Mommy Time."  After arriving home from the hospital, jumping right back into work, and trying to keep up with D&Z's doctor appointments it seems like these last few months have been a blur.  I'm excited to slow down and get some quality time in with the boys...if they can fit me into their busy schedules!

Dom and Zac have recently morphed into sports fanatics.  Initially it was sled hockey (which once it ended left us with tons of time that we had gotten used to not having.)  That was great...for about a weekend until boredom swept in.  I knew we were going to have to find something else that would allow us to get Dom and Zac active in the community.   We live almost an hour away from their school so it makes having friends nearby more of a challenge.  Enter.... Challenger Baseball!

Yes, Dom and Zac have decided to continue to become typical sports fanatics by joining our local baseball league.  It's a modified league that invites individuals of all abilities to join in and have fun.  It has been wonderful!
Zac kept his baseball hat on for the exact duration it took me to take this picture.
Ah win some, you lose some.  :)
Each child is given a typically developing "buddy" (generally teens and preteens.)  Dom had a very sweet young boy the first week who has helped him participate.  The second week when we arrived someone else came over to help Dom.  The young boy from the previous week rushed over and said, "Wait!  He's mine!"  I think Dom made a friend.  :)  Both boys are really enjoying themselves.

Dom is lovingly referred to as the "Mayor" at baseball.
He spends more time waving at spectators than anything else!

Even Jay has found a way to participate.  You will never find him far away from his brothers.  He's constantly trying to run into the field, around the bases, or snuggle up with the team and join them on the bench.  He couldn't be a better brother.  They always say that bad things come in threes....I'm pretty sure that blessings do too! 

 Have a great week and enjoy the beautiful weather!  We're heading out for some sprinkler time!

P.S.- If you or someone you know is interested in joining Challenger Baseball there is a league right in Hamburg, NY and another in Grand Island, NY.  Kiddos enjoy a one inning game weekly (lasts about an hour) followed by pizza for dinner.  They also schedule events to get the kids together throughout the year (ex. Halloween and Christmas parties).  It's been a lot of fun so far.  To get more info just follow the link: 
Village of Hamburg- Challenger Baseball

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Camping Review: Three Valley Campground- Holland, NY

In our house, Memorial Day marks the official start of camping season.  We always book a site at SpragueBrook Park (Glenwood, NY) for our first camping adventure.  It is less than fifteen minutes from our house so it is the perfect place to go for our first visit, just in case something goes wrong!  Unfortunately, with our crazy start to 2013 we missed the window to make a reservation and by the time we tried to book....they were filled!  So we decided maybe it was time to try someplace different.  Three Valley Campground located in Holland, NY became our destination!
So excited to be camping!

Dom and Zac are probably the best camping buddies I could ask for.  They like to hang out, explore the surroundings, and love a good campfire!  However, like all 11 year olds, they also love their iPad, TV, and watching movies.  So, they were not at all bothered by the frigid temperatures we had in WNY over the weekend.  They were able to enjoy some time in the camper without mom making them come out to enjoy the fresh air.  However, Jay was less thrilled.  He had one mission, and one mission only....ride his bike as much as humanly possible!
Yes, that is Jay's blankie stuck in the handlebars.  Such a silly boy!

The campground was VERY large.  Most people who stay there are seasonal campers who bring their own golf cart to go from one location to the next.  For a frame of reference, the nearest bathroom was about a half-mile away.  Which meant that if we wanted to do anything you had to get in the car and drive.  That fact was probably the biggest downfall of this park. So let's check it out!
Standard bathroom with sink, shower, and two toilets
I can't lie, the pond was beautiful!  If we ever come back I want to stay at one
of the sites by the pond.  We were a good 1/2 mile away.
It was so cold outside I tried to stay warm by baking brownies and putting all the blankets on me! It worked...until Jay discovered my whereabouts.  
Irresistible Brownie Face Invasion!

The boys devoured the brownies!  They are awesome!

Perks:  *Water, Electric hookups at all sites
            *Family Friendly environment
            *Some of the nicest camping neighbors we have had....everyone was very friendly!
            *Relatively flat road (perfect for riding bikes or going for a walk)
            *Walking trails varied from "easiest" to more challenging hikes
            *Bathrooms with toilets and showers were well maintained
            *Heated inground pool
            *Large pond stocked with fish (catch and release)
Downfall:  *Everything was VERY far away
                  *Sites varied in size greatly.  Seasonal sites tended to overlap on "weekender" sites making some sites uncomfortably small.  We were lucky and were able to move our site when our initial site had this very problem.
                  *The playground was archaic with the exception of one cool plane glider.  
So when everything was said and done I think it's safe to say that this campground was not for us.  We're going to keep exploring and find the perfect fit.  I'm not completely writing it off forever though.  I think some of the amenities (ex. pool) may be nice if we had been blessed with better weather.  In the meantime, we are going to keep searching for our next adventure.  If anyone has some suggestions, let me know.  I love trying someplace new!