Sunday, June 30, 2013

Bordering Insanity

Summer Vacation is in full swing at our house and Dom, Zac, and Jay have made pretty good progress on their summer bucket list.  

Pick up Mom's classroom fish:  CHECK!
Jay serenading our fish...for about an hour!

Have a water balloon fight:  CHECK!
Dom is sly like a fox!  He doesn't look at you when he sneaks up and then...WHAM!  

Eat chocolate fondue for snack:  CHECK!

Tear the border off our bedroom:  CHECK!  (What isn't that on your kid's bucket list too?)

I almost died when I saw it.  The problem is that the border that I picked out is:
1.  Too expensive to keep replacing (this is the third repair to the wallpaper and at $60 each repair it is adding up fast!
2.  I don't think that the boys want the border up.  (see explanation below)

You see...Dom and Zac crave routine and predictability.  When we moved into our current house we literally moved the last box on our way to the hospital to have Jay.  When I came home it was with their new baby brother.  Our timing was absolutely horrible.   Dom and Zac didn't sleep at night.  Their room was different, in a different house, with different paint colors.  I was lucky that my MIL offered to paint their room for us.  We couldn't get the exact same border that they used to have, so I found a suitable replacement and up it went.  Fast forward two years and three repairs later and Dom keeps asking me to paint the walls red.  

It started in our dining room when I asked him what color to paint.  He quickly responded "RED!"  Ever since then he has been on my case to paint something red.  Truthfully, I like the color red....for accessories.  I can't imagine a fire engine red boys room.  But I have to do something...and I'm not sure what.  I would like to keep the same quilts that my mom made them.  But beyond that....I am open for suggestions.  What would you do?
Cowboy Quilt Color Scheme

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