Monday, July 8, 2013

This is what summer looks like...

Remember when you were 10 years old and school ended.  You were filled with sheer joy that you weren't going to have to get up for school for what seemed like an eternity.  I'm pretty sure it felt something like this:

Remember when you were small enough to swim in a creek....Zac still is :)

Having a picnic outside was pretty much the best idea ever!   Jay likes them because can teach his brothers how to scarf down cookies!
Sparklers were the best thing ever invented!
Hanging out with your mom was still cool. <3 font="" nbsp="">

The boys had their first day back at school today and while I'm not sure that this past week will make their list of top vacations, it definitely has made mine.   We are so blessed.  I hope everyone else is enjoying the summer with their family too!

P.S.- Thank you to everyone who called, emailed, or text me ideas to fix the boys bedroom.  I still has a little bit of touching up left to do, but I think Dom likes it!

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